Review Process
Submitted manuscripts are reviewed for originality, significance, adequacy of documentation, reader interest and composition. Note: In the event that a journal’s editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct relating to a published article in their journal, the publisher or editor shall follow COPE’s guidelines (or equivalent) in dealing with allegations.
- Manuscripts not submitted according to instructions will be returned to the author for correction prior to the beginning of the processing.
- All manuscripts are subject to a similarity check using the Turnitin service.
- Articles with an overall similarity index greater than 19% or with a similarity index from a single source exceeding 3% are subject to clarification and/or correction.
- All articles are initially reviewed by the members of Editorial Board, for adequacy and relevancy of the manuscript to the policies and guidelines of the Research Mosaic journal.
- Revised manuscripts are judged on the adequacy of responses to suggestions and criticisms made during the initial review.
- Manuscripts are then forwarded to two external peer reviewers and statistical reviewers.
- The pee-review process is double-blinded.
- Each manuscript will further be checked for technical, epidemiological, statistical, ethical and language corrections.
- All parts of accepted manuscripts are subject to editing for scientific accuracy and clarity by the office of the Editor.
- The editorial board of Dialogues in Humanities and Social Sciences (DHSS) holds the right to a final decision of accepting or rejecting any article from publications in the journal at all stages.